
E-ZBricks® are a non-additive all-natural hardwood product designed and manufactured for use as firewood in wood stoves, fireplace inserts, fireplaces, wood furnaces, and fire pits. E-ZBricks® are made from kiln-dried hardwood shavings and sawdust that is hydraulically compressed with 150 tons of force to produce a dense brick-like product. Each brick is consistently sized, completely rectangular, and identical. Each brick measures approximately 2-3/4” x 3-1/4” x 9-1/2” and weighs between 3 and 4 pounds. The bricks are either packaged for retail sales or un-packaged for bulk sales. Both the packaged and unpackaged bricks are sold in shrink-wrapped pallet quantities.

Click below to download our full E-ZBricks® brochure and learn why E-Zbricks® are superior to traditional Firewood!

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E-ZBricks vs. Firewood

Learn about the four major reasons why you should ditch Firewood for good!

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